original article
After, we solder the components, the montage must be:
In my case, the montage and FTDI-USB interface are:
After I read "Neo_M590: Hardware Design Manual, version 1.1"
I made a "reverse engineering" of my montage:
and is clear, is a simplified base schematic, put directly wire instead logical interface between Arduino board (or FTDI-USB interface) to M590:
For easy link with interface or other modules, I connect pins 6 & 8 with 4, and now I have 3 pins for GND:
I choose Arduino Mega board because have 4 hardware serial ports. For comunication with PC, I use classical Rx-Tx port and for M590 GPRS kit, I use Rx2-Tx2 (Serial2) port.
Another reason is speed too much for software serial port and I noticed some errors.
First stept, is put Mega_serialmonitor.ino sketch and discover and learn AT commands (I use M590 - AT Command Sets v3.0" documment).
Thru serial monitor using Arduino, I can't send SMS ar begin of experiments and I try a PC sofware named Putty and I made a new schematic:
I verify what com are the interface:
and made changes in Putty software configuration window:
I write few AT commands on Putty window:
I on phone I received the SMS.
I analyzed differents from Arduino style and Putty software and I realised in what sequence must be given commands to M590 GPRS module (I upload M590_Mega_sms_sender_v1m0.ino sketch)
and on my phone I see:
Next step was to send a SMS from Arduino to phone when I push a button. I use M590_Mega_sms_sender_1button_ver1m0.ino sketch and this schematic:
I made, also, 2 movie (in roumanian language):