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Showing posts with label multiplexed techniq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multiplexed techniq. Show all posts

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Animated adjusting clock with termomether and hygrometer on 7 segment led display

  After a discution with GeoMar, I decided to made a clock with few animation when change informations on 4 digit 7-segment led display.
   Last test was made be me with LFD080AAG-103 led display, who is with common anode:
    Base schematic is used in some projects
but I put control for brightness (automatic or manual)
and 2 buttons for adjust clock and data
    Sketch multiplexed_scroll_clock3.ino made a clock who has next informations:
- clock, with flash led for beat seconds, about 10 seconds
- temperature, about 2,5 seconds
- relavive humidity for air, about 2,5 seconds
- data (day and mounts), about 2,5 secods
   Brightness can be control in 1024 steps when it used photoresistor or in 2 (minumum or maximum) wirh switch
   If is pushed MENU button, clock enter in adjusting mode, first for hour, so, you will see hour flashing and can be increase value by pushing + button, but if hour is 23 and + button is pushed, value for hour is 00...
   If is pushed again MENU button, clock enter in adjusting mode for minutes, so, you will see minutes flashing and can be increase value by pushing + button, but if minutes are 59 and + button is pushed, value for minutes are 00...
   Next push of MENU button go to year changes, from 2018 to 2049
After that, if push again MENU button, you can change month (1 to 12)
and if push again on MENu button you can change day of month (just day flash)
After a new push of MENU button, system enter in clock mode (normal mode).
    I made a movie for see how clock show the datas and how can be changes clock and data:

Note: Schematic work for small led display with common anode
or common cathode
   Base schematic is similar
   If you want to see in night just clock and temperature, when is day all informations (clock, temperature, relative humidity and data) you must upload sketch multiplexed_scroll_clock3a.ino !

Friday, September 26, 2014

Manual adjust for RTC clock with Arduino and 7-segment LED display

   For a good clock must use a RTC (real-time clock) like DS1307. For Arduino enthusiasts and hobbylist exists some RTC module with DS1307, but you can made yourself a good RTC module like me.
   Original schematic is from DS1307 datasheet, but I redesigned schematic using freeversion of Eagle PCB Software:
   Note: Battery is CR2032, like in schematic... in boards is a little error

   A full schematic for RTC clock with Arduino is:

   Compared to other schematics that can adjust time (reset clock at 0:00, adjust hours and minutes). Original schematic, design and sketch is from article Using Arduino with a DS1307 Real Time Clock by Lewis Loflin.
   If you want to change time, must push and hold S3 (adjust) switch and display is change on 0:00, then push S1 (hour) or S2 (minute) repeatedly until time is ok, after this realise S3, and time is put in RTC.
   I use a multiplexed 4-digit 7-segment display with common anode same in article named Arduino UNO running 4-digit 7-segment display from Is a unusual schematic, but works fine; a usual schematic use resistors for current limit.
   My sketch is:
 4 digit 7 segment display:
 7 segments + 4 digits + 1 colon = 12 pins required for full control 
// modified connexion by niq_ro from
// for my Luckylight KW4-563ASA
// dataseet:

int digit1 = 11; //PWM Display pin 12 (digit1 is common anonds A1 from right side)
int digit2 = 10; //PWM Display pin 9 (digit2 is  common A2)
int digit3 = 9; //PWM Display pin 8 (digit3 is common anods A3)
int digit4 = 6; //PWM Display pin 6 (digit4 is common anods, from left side)

//Pin mapping from Arduino to the ATmega DIP28 if you need it
int segA = 2; //Display pin 11
int segB = 3; //Display pin 7
int segC = 4; //Display pin 4
int segD = 5; //Display pin 2
int segE = 12; //Display pin 1
int segF = 7; //Display pin 10
int segG = 8; //Display pin 5
int segDP = 13; // Display pin 3

#include <Wire.h>
#include "RTClib.h"

// Date and time functions using a DS1307 RTC connected via I2C and Wire lib
// original sketck from
// add part with SQW=1Hz from
// add part with manual adjust

byte SW0 = A0; byte SW1 = A1; byte SW2 = A2; // use for hexa in zecimal conversion int zh, uh, ore; int zm, um, miniti; void setup() {     // Serial.begin(57600);   Wire.begin();   RTC.begin(); // RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__)); // if you need set clock... just remove // from line above this // part code for flashing LED Wire.beginTransmission(0x68); Wire.write(0x07); // move pointer to SQW address // Wire.write(0x00); // turns the SQW pin off  Wire.write(0x10); // sends 0x10 (hex) 00010000 (binary) to control register - turns on square wave at 1Hz // Wire.write(0x13); // sends 0x13 (hex) 00010011 (binary) 32kHz Wire.endTransmission();   if (! RTC.isrunning()) {     Serial.println("RTC is NOT running!");     // following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled     RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));   }       // dht.begin();   pinMode(segA, OUTPUT);   pinMode(segB, OUTPUT);   pinMode(segC, OUTPUT);   pinMode(segD, OUTPUT);   pinMode(segE, OUTPUT);   pinMode(segF, OUTPUT);   pinMode(segG, OUTPUT);   pinMode(segDP, OUTPUT);   pinMode(digit1, OUTPUT);   pinMode(digit2, OUTPUT);   pinMode(digit3, OUTPUT);   pinMode(digit4, OUTPUT);    //  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);  Serial.begin(9600);  Serial.println("test for niq_ro");  pinMode(SW0, INPUT); // for this use a slide switch   pinMode(SW1, INPUT); // N.O. push button switch   pinMode(SW2, INPUT); // N.O. push button switch   digitalWrite(SW0, HIGH); // pull-ups on   digitalWrite(SW1, HIGH);   digitalWrite(SW2, HIGH); } void loop() { digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);   DateTime now =;   int timp = now.hour()*100+now.minute(); //   int timp = (now.minute(), DEC); //   displayNumber(12); // this is number to diplay //   int timp = 1234;   Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC);   Serial.print(":");   Serial.print(now.minute(), DEC);   Serial.print(" -> ");   Serial.print(timp);   Serial.println(" !"); // display parts       for(int i = 250 ; i >0 ; i--) {      if (timp >= 1000) displayNumber01(timp);      else displayNumber02(timp);    }     for(int i = 250 ; i >0 ; i--) {      if (timp >= 1000) displayNumber03(timp);      else displayNumber04(timp);    }    if (!(digitalRead(SW0))) set_time(); // hold the switch to set timevoid set_time() {   byte minutes1 = 0;   byte hours1 = 0;   byte minutes = 0;   byte hours = 0;   while (!digitalRead(SW0)) // set time switch must be released to exit   {     minutes1=minutes;     hours1=hours;                while (!digitalRead(SW1)) // set minutes     {       minutes++;      // converting hexa in zecimal:     zh = hours / 16;     uh = hours - 16 * zh ;     ore = 10 * zh + uh;      zm = minutes / 16;     um = minutes - 16 * zm ;     miniti = 10 * zm + um;            for(int i = 20 ; i >0 ; i--) {      displayNumber01(ore*100+miniti);       }              if ((minutes & 0x0f) > 9) minutes = minutes + 6;       if (minutes > 0x59) minutes = 0;       Serial.print("Minutes = ");       if (minutes >= 9) Serial.print("0");       Serial.println(minutes, HEX);     delay(150);     }     while (!digitalRead(SW2)) // set hours     {       hours++;                    // converting hexa in zecimal:     zh = hours / 16;     uh = hours - 16 * zh ;     ore = 10 * zh + uh;      zm = minutes / 16;     um = minutes - 16 * zm ;     miniti = 10 * zm + um;            for(int i = 20 ; i >0 ; i--) {      displayNumber01(ore*100+miniti);       }                  if ((hours & 0x0f) > 9) hours = hours + 6;       if (hours > 0x23) hours = 0;       Serial.print("Hours = ");       if (hours <= 9) Serial.print("0");       Serial.println(hours, HEX);     delay(150);     }     Wire.beginTransmission(0x68); // activate DS1307     Wire.write(0); // where to begin     Wire.write(0x00); //seconds     Wire.write(minutes); //minutes     Wire.write(0x80 | hours); //hours (24hr time)     Wire.write(0x06); // Day 01-07     Wire.write(0x01); // Date 0-31     Wire.write(0x05); // month 0-12     Wire.write(0x09); // Year 00-99     Wire.write(0x10); // Control 0x10 produces a 1 HZ square wave on pin 7.     Wire.endTransmission();        // converting hexa in zecimal:     zh = hours / 16;     uh = hours - 16 * zh ;     ore = 10 * zh + uh;      zm = minutes / 16;     um = minutes - 16 * zm ;     miniti = 10 * zm + um;            for(int i = 20 ; i >0 ; i--) {      displayNumber01(ore*100+miniti);       }  // delay(150);        }    } void displayNumber01(int toDisplay) { #define DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS  500 #define DIGIT_ON  HIGH #define DIGIT_OFF  LOW   for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {     //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time     switch(digit) {     case 1:      digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_ON);      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;    case 2:       digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, LOW);       break;     case 3:       digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     case 4:       digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     }     lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);     toDisplay /= 10;     delayMicroseconds(DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS);      //Turn off all segments     lightNumber(10);      //Turn off all digits     digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF); } }  void displayNumber02(int toDisplay) { #define DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS  500 #define DIGIT_ON  HIGH #define DIGIT_OFF  LOW   for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {     //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time     switch(digit) {     case 1:      lightNumber(10);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);      break;    case 2:       digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, LOW);       break;     case 3:       digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     case 4:       digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     }     lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);     toDisplay /= 10;     delayMicroseconds(DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS);      //Turn off all segments     lightNumber(10);      //Turn off all digits     digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF); } }  void displayNumber03(int toDisplay) { #define DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS  500 #define DIGIT_ON  HIGH #define DIGIT_OFF  LOW   for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {     //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time     switch(digit) {     case 1:      digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_ON);      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;    case 2:       digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     case 3:       digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     case 4:       digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     }     lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);     toDisplay /= 10;     delayMicroseconds(DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS);      //Turn off all segments     lightNumber(10);      //Turn off all digits     digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF); } }  void displayNumber04(int toDisplay) { #define DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS  500 #define DIGIT_ON  HIGH #define DIGIT_OFF  LOW   for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {     //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time     switch(digit) {     case 1:      lightNumber(10);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);      break;    case 2:       digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     case 3:       digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     case 4:       digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);       digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);       break;     }     lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);     toDisplay /= 10;     delayMicroseconds(DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS);      //Turn off all segments     lightNumber(10);      //Turn off all digits     digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);     digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF); } }  //Given a number, turns on those segments //If number == 10, then turn off number void lightNumber(int numberToDisplay) { #define SEGMENT_ON  LOW #define SEGMENT_OFF HIGH   switch (numberToDisplay){   case 0:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_OFF);     break;   case 1:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_OFF);     break;   case 2:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);     break;   case 3:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);     break;   case 4:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);     break;   case 5:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);     break;   case 6:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);     break;   case 7:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_OFF);     break;   case 8:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);     break;   case 9:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);     break;   // all segment are ON   case 10:     digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);     digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_OFF);     break;      } }
Note: Original article in roumanian language is Afisaje LED cu 7 segmente si.. Arduino (IV)!!!

   I correct sketch for display 10:00 case..
    Now, I pun on my Github channel sketch for cathode comon display, see