If I use main_supply_emonlib_under_overvoltage_ver3.ino sketch after module is powered, on display I see the voltage on main power supply:
and after I push MENU/OK button, on display is undervoltage thereshold, who cand change with + & - buttons:
After I push MENU button, value is stored in EEPROM memory, on display is overvoltage thereshold, who can be change by + & - buttons:
after push again MENU button, value is stored in EEPROM memory, on display is delay-off tine in second for reconnect coil relay after voltage inoutside range:
In under & overvoltage relay with Arduino (2) movie you cand see the cases and how you cand cheange value for undervoltage, overvoltage and delay-off time:
I added a sketch to use LCD1602 alphanumerica display on i2c connexion instead existing display (with MAX7219 and 7-segment led display). Sketch is main_supply_emonlib_under_overvoltage_ver4.ino !
I added a new sketch with best implement of delay-on to connect the relay... see main_supply_emonlib_under_overvoltage_ver4a.ino