I give an 1.8" TFT display with 128x160 resolution. It use ST7735 as driver.
I wanted to use together with an ESP32 development board and first I search information about this connexion but just two article and an topic on Arduino forum was usefull.
First usefull article was 128×128 Colour LCD to ESP32 from www.xtronical.com. Schematic for connexion is
A reader of my sites and blogs, Mr. Liviu Hinoveanu wanted to replace classical DRL module made with 555 with Attiny85 programmed in Arduino style.
He send me the schematic and PCB designed with Livewire and PCB Wisard software:
After I undertand what module must work, I write DRL_ATtiny85.ino sketch.
In movie named DRL cu ATtiny85 you can see who module work, but description are in romanian language:
After engine start, I can adjunst in few stepts intensity of lights (from minimum to maximum, by pushing button repeatedly, when value in smaximum and pres button intensity go to minimum...).
If I set manual light from original light switch, module is off.
Whne enggine strop, module made a "dinamic lights"style from maximum to off in short time.
Module detect engine start by increase tension value on battery because work the alternator).
You can made a cheap thermometer using few components: clone Arduino board (in my case, I use Arduino Nano board with uC ATmega 168, but work with Arduino nano with ATmega328, Arduino Uno, leonardo, etc), a 1N4148 diode, 4-digit 7-segment led display with common cathode or common anode (just few changes in sketch), an breadboard and some wires.
Schematic is very simple:
Some time ago (2015) I bought "Arduino ESP8266 Wifi Shield Version 1.0 by Wang Tongze" without more documentation... neither now 😕 Last year, I write an article in my language with this board, because I pressed and shuffled and firmware was erased... But let's start as normal condition...
For normal operation mode switch must be in this position:
In first tests, I connect Rx-Tx from this shield at Arduino Mega at Rx1-Tx1 pins, for see how work...
I upload ESP8266_mega_serialtest.ino with 112500bps instead 9600bps (board is Arduino Mega, shield witj ESP8266 is just accessory)
I open serial monitor window and I write some AT commands:
You cand upload various sketches with ESP8266 chip controlled by Arduino.
If you play with switches as me, with this configuration
and pus ESP-RST button, firmware will be erased... and this sheild not work, is just a piese untill you reflash the ESP8266 chip.
I use info from article ESP8266: Reflash Dance! writted by Dave Vandenbout for classic ESP8266:
For measure voltage and current it use info from Arduino ca multimetru (3). It use existing resistor for measure current (R5) and add 2 resistor as divider resistor for measure voltage:
Using original PCB board, I draw connexion to Arduino board:
It use an Arduino nano board with i2c LCD1602 display, a active buzzer for indicate shortcircuit case. Also, I put DS18B20 temperature sensor and relay for power a cooler when tenmperature is bigger than a threshold level.
For albasete version, I write psu_reber_ver3ro.ino sketch. In this sketch I put value for albasete case (R1 = 1k put between GND and A1 port, R2 = 39k put between +OUT and A1)
and value for threshold (temax) and hysteresis value (dete):
Now, I put few photo pictures of realization progress:
A few few years ago (in 1995), Tehnium magazine publish an article send by me 😀 (then I was a young student) in nr. 1/1995 (see magazine).
Schematic was inspired by article from Tehnium anual magazine 1990, but my schematic have extra ligts "games":
A few time ago (3-4 years) I need a simple schematic for automatic dynamic games without microcontrollers, so I remenber my schematic... but I simplify my schematic to eliminate useless states, so new schematic is
I maded the schematic on test board:
I made few movie with this schematic, in my language, but lights made without language 😇, so, I reccomand you to see at nest movies:
- joc de lumini cu 4 canale