In article RadioLink-Joystick-To-Servos are use NRF24L01 radio modules with Arduino Uno boards, one joystick, 2 servos.
First module is made with: - one NRF24L01 module - one Arduine Uno board - one joystick and transmit position of joystick (X & Y position) for second module made with: - one NRF24L01 module - one Arduine Uno board - two servos. Servos made motion depending joystick position. Sketch for transmiter and receiver use RadioHead library (download). I made schematic according sketches (with small changes): - transmiter:
- receiver:
and I made some changes in sketches for control a led (or laser) when push momentary button from joystick. On you can find sketchs for: - transmiter: nrf24l01_tx_2servo_sw.ino - receiver: nrf24l01_rx_2servo_sw.ino I made some pics in different position of joystick and 2 servos: - in stand-by:
In 1st part I present you few data about GPRS module with M590 chip and how send SMS from them. In 2rd part I send SMS from phone and SMS is received by GPRS module with M590, also with Arduino Mega board cand control 4 leds, depend text from SMS. M590 chip from Neoway is an old, industrial and... recovered (second hand) chip for GPRS/GPS as SIM900. Is enough for our tests with Arduino... Main reason for i use Arduino Mega board instead Arduino Uno is number of harware serial port... M590 chip has defauld speed set at 115200bps, too much for SerialSofware (see - SoftwareSerial). Theoretical, this library work fine at this speed but all my Arduino board (original and clone) not work good. So, my solution is to connect at Arduino Mega board and decrease speed with AT command: AT+IPR=9600. First upload M590_mega_serialtest2.ino and open serial monitor at 115200bps:
after that, I reopen serial monitor at 9600bps speed:
Now, I chamge the schematic and use Arduino Uno board (in my case is a clone VISduinoUno):
If you haven't Arduino Mega, you can use USB-FTDI interface with 3.3V selector and made schematic:
and use Putty software (like in 1st part) and change speed from 115200bps in 9600bps for work with Arduino Uno board (or clones). NOTE: External power supply is +4,6V not 4,2V (power supply with voltmeter show less with 0,3-0,4V) !
In previous article I present you a GPRS kit with M590 chip on-board and I send SMS when push an button. Now, I will received a SMS and interpret the text and comand few leds as in article named Tutorial – Arduino and SIM900 GSM Modules from M590 chip is similar with SIM900, just haven't voice part... First, I upload M590_Mega_serialmonitor.ino sketch and I send from phone a SMS to GPRS module:
and is clear, is a simplified base schematic, put directly wire instead logical interface between Arduino board (or FTDI-USB interface) to M590:
For protect M590 chip, I powered M590 GPRS module with external 4.2V and put a logical interface 5V/3V between Arduino and M590 module kit.
For easy link with interface or other modules, I connect pins 6 & 8 with 4, and now I have 3 pins for GND:
I choose Arduino Mega board because have 4 hardware serial ports. For comunication with PC, I use classical Rx-Tx port and for M590 GPRS kit, I use Rx2-Tx2 (Serial2) port.
Another reason is speed too much for software serial port and I noticed some errors.
Thru serial monitor using Arduino, I can't send SMS ar begin of experiments and I try a PC sofware named Putty and I made a new schematic:
I verify what com are the interface:
and made changes in Putty software configuration window:
I write few AT commands on Putty window:
I on phone I received the SMS.
I analyzed differents from Arduino style and Putty software and I realised in what sequence must be given commands to M590 GPRS module (I upload M590_Mega_sms_sender_v1m0.ino sketch)