First module is made with:
- one NRF24L01 module
- one Arduine Uno board
- one joystick
and transmit position of joystick (X & Y position) for second module made with:
- one NRF24L01 module
- one Arduine Uno board
- two servos.
Servos made motion depending joystick position.
Sketch for transmiter and receiver use RadioHead library (download).
I made schematic according sketches (with small changes):
- transmiter:
- receiver:
and I made some changes in sketches for control a led (or laser) when push momentary button from joystick.
On you can find sketchs for:
- transmiter: nrf24l01_tx_2servo_sw.ino
- receiver: nrf24l01_rx_2servo_sw.ino
I made some pics in different position of joystick and 2 servos:
- in stand-by:
- when push momentary button:
- joystick at left:
- joystick at right:
- joystick in up direction:
- joystick in down direction:
I made a movie named radiolink joystick to servos using NRF24L01 & Arduino when explain who work this ansamble: transmiter-receiver: