Friday, July 3, 2015

SDA5708: 8 character 7x5 dot matrix LED display

original article !

   Recently, I received as gift, for tests, a special display named SDA5708. This display was used in old sat receiver Nokia DBOX1 and is,like in title, with 8 character made, each, with 7x5 dot display led.
   After I received this display, I search technical info about this display and I found some: 
   Using info from second article, I redesigned connection schematic:
   I made a schematic using info from 3rd article:
and after I upload the changed example sketch, on display I can see:
I made few changes in example sketch, for display my ID used on net:
   After this first step, I put an AM2302 with 4k7 rezistor (same as DHT22 sensor) for read temperature and humidity info:
and I change the sketch for see:
   Result are good and I put an RTC clock module made with DS3231 and momentary switch like in schematic:

and I can see, after I write sketch named SDA5708_DHT22_ceas_simplu.ino:
   Now, I can go to nest level, a full weather station with adjusting clock usin rotary encoder.
   I made this schematic:
   After I write a full sketch named SDA5708_DHT22_ceas_encoder_v1m2.ino, cyclic, on display I can see:
- clock:
- temerature and relative humidity:
   After a short push, I can see the data (day.mounth.year):
   After a long push (3-4 seconds), I can d change the data:
- year:
- month:
- day:
- hour:
- minutes:
   I made a movie, named weather station with adjusting clock on SDA5708 display where you can see more than I write:


  1. how to build simple 5x7 dot matrix clock 4 chanel ( only 4 pcs dot matrix , pin 13 for second ) with arduino ?

    1. dht not used, clock only, please help me

    2. I haven't time now.. later... sorry

    3. you solved "problem"? or you still need help?

  2. 8°C 82%7 Temperatur 1 Digit Humidity 82%7 ???

    1. try to change degree sign with *... I just copy symbol from net :)))

  3. Hello! How to change the sketch so that the time is displayed for example 20 seconds and the temperature for example 3 seconds.

    1. in "loop" exist 2 "for" loops... change value for them...

  4. I can't find it. Sketch for: SDA5708_DHT22_ceas_encoder_v1m2. With Notepad where it is.

    1. you must just click on nane and you will be redirect to

  5. There is an error in your diagram. Wiring for the DHT22 is wrong. Pin 1 should go to +5V and pin 4 to GND.

    1. is in mirror 🤔, but you understand real connexion

    2. Not really mirror. Resistor is pull up. Pin one is positive supply. If you wire like in the drawing it will damage the sensor (gets very hot) and perhaps the I/O pin of arduino.

      I've made this project. Looks very nice and I'm looking for a good case to put it in. The example .ino does not compile directly, there are some minor (typing) mistakes. I also notice that RTC.isrunning() always gives False but that is another story.

      Now to find a scrolling routine to make effects ...

    3. I undestand, I will correct the schematic, but sketch are ok, maybe you not use same library as me... see
      also, the project is too old to me for reproduce again now... i always power corect the sensor, but I write on it how must be used...

  6. what line should I change in the sketch to make the time seem longer?
